Mark Does Stuff Review Round-up: Week of April 7, 2017

Hello, readers and watchers! One of the reasons I wanted to have this site was to collect information in a central location, both for newcomers and for those of you who bounce in and out of the community. One of the most fascinating things about my fandom is how it fluctuates in waves based on what I'm reviewing. There's certainly a whole lot of you who read and post every day, but I also love the lurkers and the folks who come in for one series and then go about their lives for a while, only to return again. 

Thus, each Friday, I'll put up a post that just links to what reviews were posted this week so you can keep up with what I'm writing! Not a fancy post, but it serves a great purpose. THUS, HERE WE GO.

Mark Reads

The Fifth Elephant, Part 4: In which one of my favorite Discworld characters returns.
Wizard's Holiday, Epilogue: In which I am royally screwed up by a last-minute surprise.
The Fifth Elephant, Part 5: In which Colon is the worst.
Wizards at War Predictions: In which I am not ready.
The Fifth Elephant, Part 6: In which I try to figure out the mystery.

Mark Watches

Voyager 6x03: In which I discuss B'Elanna and biracial narratives.
Voyager 6x04: In which I discuss perspective, the Doctor, and uncriticized misogyny.
Voyager 6x05: In which Voyager tries to do something neat with Tom, but...
Voyager 6x06: In which I marvel at Tim Russ, but desire more.
Voyager 6x07: In which I am bewildered by the many things in this episode.


April Commissions: There are 14 videos this month, from the end of Every Heart a Doorway, to the season 2 finale of Killjoys, to the worst cliffhanger in Patreon history thanks to Broadchurch